Thursday, November 20, 2008

OPEC will place the final nail in the coffin of the US economy

OPEC nations , the oil producing nations, signed an agreement with the USA. In that agreement, all oil is to be sold and valued exclusively in US Dollars. That Means that all nations that buy from OPEC nations must have reserves of US Dollars, in order to buy oil. I truly believe that the time has come for the world to reduce its' dependency on oil.

Many have predicted that the US can easily reduce its oil consumption by 1/3 . Coincidently that is about the same portion of oil consumption that the USA imports from OPEC nations.

I believe that even if the USA bought 1/2 the oil from OPEC nations that it now buys, the OPEC nations may start valuing the oil in other currencies and accepting other currencies for said oil. This would reduce foreign reserves of US Dollars and weaken the US dollar compared to foreign currencies as all nations would then have a surplus of US dollars to sell cheaply.

This will make way for the world monetary systen, or "New World Order"

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